"Big Bang Boom: The Sonic Boom of Indian Defense Technology!"
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BBBS co Founder – Dr. Shivaraman Ramaswamy with the Defence Minister – Shri Rajnath Singh, Defence Secretary GOI – Dr. Ajay Kumar

BBBS wins prestigious SKOCH Award
India’s fastest growing start-up in the defence sector, Big Bang Boom Solutions Pvt Ltd (BBBS) was accorded the prestigious SKOCH award.

Self Reliance at NDRF
BBBS is explaining our products for Natural Disaster relief Management.

BBBS was Signed a MOU with HAL for Digital solutions – Augment Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR).

Anti- Drone Demonstration
BBBS takes center stage at the India -Kenya Mini Defence Expo, with a live demonstration of our anti drone technology by Dr R Shivaraman.

Delegate visit
India-Nigeria DefExpo as Dr. Shiva unveiled The Vajra Sentinel Systems, showcasing the agile Yudhikshana, Mayil Drone, and AgniQuell, highlighting India’s advancements in modern warfare

Giant leap for BBBS, a significant stride towards indigenization !
Big Bang Boom Signs a 200 Crore Contract for Anti- Drone Defence System with Indian Airforce & Indian Army.
These Contracts were Awarded to BBBS in the presence of Hon. Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh.
Media News.
Check out the Highlights of BBBS in News Channels.
Sun News
Startup TN - TANSEED 4.0
BBBS exhibiting our defence technologies to Mr. M. K. Stalin, Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu
India Today
India Today - NLVIS
The NLVIS team gave a demo, and the Prime Minister was very impressed with the new technology.
Zee 24 Kalak.in
Defexpo 2022
BBBS STA was featured in Zee 24 Kalak.in for the DefExpo 2022.
Aaj- CUT
Defexpo 2022
BBBS STA – Gaurav Sharma (Chief Gov. Relationship officer) briefed about the Salient features of the STA systems at DefExpo 2022
Defexpo 2022
Our CEO Mr. Praveen Dwarakanath Highlighted the projects of BBBS and its applications for the Indian Defense.
Indian Aerospace & Defence
Defexpo 2022
The Head of STA team widely demonstrated the features of STA at DefExpo 2022.
Chennai Press News
Indian Navy sets sail towards innovation and security with the inauguration of Naval Research and Development Center.
Indian Aerospace & Defence
Defexpo 2022
The Head of STA team widely demonstrated the features of STA at DefExpo 2022.
Delhi Press News
Big Bang Boom Signs a 200 Crore Contract for Anti- Drone Defence System with Indian Airforce & Indian Army.
These Contracts were Awarded to BBBS in the presence of Hon. Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh.